vrijdag 7 november 2008

Free Hours of the Passion

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Fiat of Sanctification,

Late last night a dear soul offered to provide Free Copies of the "Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ" (the hard cover version) to persons who still do not have a copy of "Hours of the Passion..." (any version).

This incredible offer has the condition that those who receive the free copies are to read and pray them.

The state of the world and the USA is such that the "Hours of the Passion..." are more needed than ever. The promises that Our Lord makes to those who read and pray them are incredible and are what we all need in these end days of this era. Marvelous benefits and protections are promised for those who use this incomparable book to participate in what is so beautifully and penetratingly described in detail of what Jesus suffered in the last 24 hours of his mortal life.

Please consider taking advantage of this most generous offer for souls who do not have any copies of the "Hours of the Passion...".

God bless and protect us all,

Thomas Fahy

To Order: Call 001-423-566-5178

Feast of All Saints, 2008

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Will of our Father,

Just some recent news to share—

1. The Conference in Clearwater Beach was especially wonderful. We had beautiful facilities which allowed us to view the wonderful traces of God's beauty in the Nature of his local Cosmos and in the happiness of those attending. Especially pleasing to all were the 12 Priests who were present, including all the "new" Priests. One of the 12 Priests was Fr. Michael Adams, who came and went at various times due to his parochial duties nearby. It was great to see Fr. John Brown again. Please keep him in your daily prayers regarding his health situation. Tell Jesus and Mary that we need him to stick around. We heard nary a complaint with the facilities and the Conference; all were very content and happy, so it seems from the verbal reports we have received.

2. The wonderful crew who recorded the audios and videos gave us a truly sacrificial discount for their services, and we expect the master disks in mid-November, after which we will have the copies made. We expect to have the CDs and DVDs available by December 1, 2008. We will notify everyone, including those who paid in advance at the Conference and those who will want to order when the disks become available.

3. Those who donated for the new publishing of Fr. Victor Warkulwicz's 500 + page book on the Doctrines of the First Eleven Chapters of Genesis will want to know that I spoke with him today, and things are on course. He wants to finish making spelling, grammatical and puncutation changes to the PDF File before we go to the printer, and there are the normal, preliminary business aspects, also, before the printer goes to press. And I send you ever Multiplying Thank You's in the Divine Will for supporting this project!

4. Keep praying really, really hard and very sincerely to Jesus and Mary for the upcoming election.

That seems to be all for now.

Blessings in the Fiat of the Eternal One,

Thomas Fahy